In the industry of ceramics, safety is standard practice.
Unfortunately, there is lacking knowledge about ceramic pipes, and we hope this can clear things up a bit. Ceramics have been around for tens of thousands of years and since then have become far more safe and advanced today. Did you know the earliest ceramic bongs were found in Africa over 3,000 years ago?
Thankfully a lot has changed since then. Today most materials come as non-toxic and lead-free unless an artist was to go out of their way to make their own unique glaze or clay. When it comes to the base: clay, there are three different types of clay, all of them generally free from harmful materials.
As you will see below, many manufactured glazes are labeled food safe.
The ceramics industry strives to do the right thing to keep makers and users safe while interacting with finished pottery.
So to answer the main question:
YES, ceramic pipes are safe to smoke out of if the maker uses non-toxic, lead-free glazes and clay, fires their pieces at the appropriate temperature based on the types of clay and materials they are using, AND as long as the pipe or water pipe is glazed on the inside. Clay is very porous and without the internal chamber glazed, it can trap dust and bacteria.
If you are having any concerns when buying a pipe, whether it is glass or ceramic, ask the manufacturer/artist if the pipes are made with safe materials.
As for our ceramic pipes and water pipes, we only use non-toxic, lead-free, and safe materials.
Lastly, there are moral values that lay within the importance of keeping users safe from harm. As an artist or manufacturer, always do what is right. We hope this helped clear up any misconceptions about ceramic pipes, and at the end of the day, we hope you can trust the new ceramic pipe market to value safety.
Do they tend to get really hot really fast?
I am manufactur ceramic items products etc. India
I think I remember In high school ceramics that my teacher said that the glaze is basically liquid glass. Would you drink hot coffee out of a ceramic mug your kid made you? I’m pretty sure it’s safe.
Is an earthenware pipe safe to smoke out of?
I’m not concerned about dust or bacteria; I doubt bacteria would survive the dry air/heat involved and don’t see how it would be a vector for formites. As to dust, I think it would be safer than ceramics because it would trap smaller particles, ones a smooth glaze would allow to flow directly into your lungs.
I would only worry about inhaling combustive gasses from the previous fired clay and don’t know if that would be an issue
Iam intrested in your products