High school ceramics classes have been an excellent place to have gained general knowledge about ceramics at an early age. Just like in school, we will teach the ways of ceramics related to heat. The first thing to note is that chemistry is involved in the formation of ceramics, which we will not cover much of today.

So first, we start with some clay. The clay can be a low fire or high fire clay, meaning that one can take high temperatures and the other handles lower temperatures. High fire clays like to be fired anywhere from 2,200°F and 2,400°F. Now even the low temperatures of clay are handling 1800°F or more. The exception of some rare Raku clay recipes will be even lower, firing in the 1300°F range.

Now to compare borosilicate glass. The temperature to start working glass is around 1,500°F, and soda-lime glass is even lower.

Heating ceramics and glass must be done subtly to prevent cracks, explosions, or thermal shock from a fast shift in temperature. Thermal shock can also occur during the cooling down of the ceramic or glass.

So assuming that the maker created the glass or ceramic correctly, avoiding any thermal shock, it is fair to say that they both handle high temperatures. Although ceramics/clay is worked to higher temperatures by an artist, glass still requires even hotter temperatures to melt the raw materials down to make glass rods and tubes that would then be sold to a glassblower.

So after this reading, you should have grasped the idea that clay/ceramics can handle the heat of a lighter just like most people are used to with glass. Remember that on top of clay is a layer of melted glass glaze. So even though it is made of clay, it is made of melted glass too. So, there is no difference in how the different materials will function with heat in terms of heat.